7 Things to do to Protect Your iPhone From Thieves  

Your iPhone is one of the favorite targets of thieves. Due to its low revaluation in the second hand market, you can get good money for them. And despite the security measures implemented by Apple to prevent them from being stolen from their owners, it does not make them untouchable.

Although the chances of recovering an iPhone are slim, we can do some things to increase them and have it back.

1. Write down the serial number

It is the easiest and most overlooked. Aiming the serial number and the IMEI of our iPhone can save us annoyances if we lose or steal our iPhone. This data can be easily obtained in Settings> General> Information.

These numbers are very difficult to eliminate, since they are associated with the internal components of most smartphones. Thanks to them, your operator can put them on a list of lost mobile phones, and the police will ask for them if we report their theft.

2. Use a very secure password

Apart from using Face ID or Touch ID as a security method, it is very important that we use a strong password. If the thief manages to decipher it, he can do whatever he wants with it. Therefore, a very safe code is the greatest defense against them. You will not be able to access personal information, turn off Location Services or turn off Find My iPhone.

Some tips for a secure password is to use a six-digit or alphanumeric code. To do this, go to Settings> Touch ID and Password> Change password. Keep in mind that there are not many repeated numbers or something as simple as 123456, which was the 2017 password.

3. Check that Find My iPhone is activated

Although there is a similar tool in Android, Find My iPhone is much better known and with a great reputation that precedes it. He is able to find the phone, whether in China or under the sofa. Therefore, it is essential to have it activated.

When we configure an iPhone for the first time, the option is usually activated by default. However, it may not be for some reason.

To find out if we have Find my iPhone active, we need to go to Settings> Your Apple ID account> iCloud> Find My iPhone. By the way, be sure to turn on the Send Last Location feature.

4. Use third-party apps

For most, Find My iPhone is more than enough to have our iPhone located in any situation. However, there are other useful third-party apps and services when it comes to stolen Apple smartphones.

Hidden Anti-Theft is one of them. It allows taking pictures in real time with the camera of the remote device. In this way, and if there is luck, we could identify the thief. In addition, some telephone operators also offer tools of this type.

5. Keep it in safe places

If you usually keep your phone in your backpack or purse, you become more vulnerable to thieves. Therefore, it is important to have a bag with a design against thieves, with hidden pockets and zippers and made of materials resistant to sharp objects.

6. Set up contact information

When you can not find your iPhone, it does not have to be stolen. Simply, you may have lost it. Then, a person with a good heart may be interested in returning it to its owner.

Try configuring an emergency contact through your ID in the Medical Data. You can also add an email address or an alternate phone number.

7. Make regular backups

It is not an infallible proof against thieves, but if we lose it or if it is stolen, at least we will have a way to recover all our information when we get another one. Because an iPhone is replaceable, but photographs, messages and contacts are not.

If we make backup copies of it weekly, either on iCloud or through iTunes, the loss will be less painful. And if we are afraid that our data will fall into the wrong hands, we can restore it remotely through Find My iPhone. Thus, we will avoid losing something important or posing as us.

Following these simple and simple tips, we will have more chances of the iPhone back in our hands.

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