Easy Ways to Turn Your Photos into Decorative Gifts

If you are like most people, you have loads of family photos that you have not looked at for a while. Sadly, we are capturing more and more images with our Smartphones, yet we are spending less time looking at, and sharing them.

This is a real shame because photos can be turned into so many different decorative items, many of which also make fantastic presents. Some of the things we are going to suggest that you make are easy enough to do yourself, but given the fact that most people are uber busy, we have also included an idea that involves virtually zero effort on your part.

Get your photos turned into canvas prints

Our first suggestion is to order some canvas prints using hellocanvas. This company provides a fast turnaround, and offers plenty of different ways to turn your photos into pictures that can be hung on the wall.

Their work is guaranteed, and the fact that they use UV resistant inks means that their prints do not fade. Photos of the kids turned into beautiful canvas style prints make great presents for grandparents.

In theory, you could print out some of your photos yourself, but in reality, this is rarely a good idea. By the time, you have bought a good quality printer, glossy paper and tons of ink you will have spent a fortune. Far more than it would have cost you to order your canvas style prints online, and let someone else do all of the hard work for you.

The other problem with home printed photos is that they soon start to fade. UV resistant inks are prohibitively expensive for home users. In addition, you are limited to producing either glossy or matt finish prints. There is no way a home user can produce a beautiful canvas print that makes it look that their photos are actually a work of art.

Turn some of your photos into a collage

If you have lots of old photos lying around, you could turn them into an interesting collage. This is a fun project that the whole family could get involved in doing. It is best to make a scanned copy of any of the photos you are planning to use, that way should you want to use them in a different way in the future you can send them off online and get them printed up into individual prints.

Load them up onto a digital photo frame

For an older relative a digital photo frame that is loaded with family photos can make a good present. It is best to choose the type that allows you to set things up so that the photo being displayed changes every 30 or 40 seconds.

The great thing about this present is that every six months or so, you can change the photos on the SD card. Plus, of course, you can scan some of your relatives’ old photographs, and include them in the display.

If you want to learn more about scanning, and archiving your old family photos, you can do so, here.