10 Brain Focus Foods that Will Improve Your Focus and Concentration

Did you ever think that there is a connection between your focus and concentration and the food you eat? At some level, we might have always acknowledged this link. Nonetheless, recently, scientists have pinpointed that there are specific ingredients that have a beneficial impact on the functions of the nervous system.

When we cope with stress, consequently, the body releases inflammatory cytokines. As a result, the immune system is promoted to fight against this stress through inflammation. The body conveys stress as being an infection.

And while inflammation definitely has its purpose, when it comes to chronic inflammation, things can get quite complicated. So, what is the connection with food here? By providing your body with foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, you actually safeguard it from stress, whilst diminishing the likelihood of brain disease.

At the same time, some foods are better than others, when it comes to promoting brain health. We have comprised a list for you, consisting of 10 foods that are packed with beneficial nutrients and components.

1. Fish

Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. This is why you should include as many meals comprising of fish as possible. Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to improving the functions of the memory, whilst also enhancing the behavioral function and mental performance.

In truth, did you know that people who have an omega-3 fatty acids deficiency are more prone to experience mood swings, depression or fatigue?

2. Avocado

Avocado – this is, without a doubt, one of the healthiest fruits you should include in your everyday meals. Some people say that avocados are too fatty; however, note that they consist of monounsaturated fats, which are good for you, and, most importantly, these are the kinds of fats that are good for your nervous system, as well.

Avocados contain notable levels of vitamin K, folate, vitamin B, vitamin C, and not only. The best part is that they are an excellent addition to salads, smoothies, and so on.

3. Blueberries

We could say that blueberries are nature’s best candy there is. That’s because they are mouth-watering, yet filled with potent antioxidants. Therefore, you should aim at including as many blueberries as possible in your daily diet. Antioxidants work against the damage done by stress, fighting against the harmful effects of inflammation.

Considering that inflammation is a major contributor to brain disease and premature degeneration, it would be safe to say that blueberries can prevent this. Therefore, not only are blueberries powerful enough to delay premature aging, but they also enhance your memory.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is another marvelous veggie that can do wonders for your brain’s health. Once again, it overflows with powerful antioxidants, as well as vitamin K. In truth, broccoli incorporates more than 100 percent of the total dosage of broccoli recommended per day.

To exemplify, several studies conducted on senior citizens have outlined that vitamin K could promote better memory. On top of that, broccoli consists of other components, which are just as beneficial in fighting against brain damage.

5. Leafy Vegetables

Eating plenty of greens can be as beneficial for the brain as the intake of nootropics, if not more. That is to say, lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, cabbage – in short, all types of leafy veggies – promote brain health. That’s due to their high levels of vitamin A and K, among others. For example, a cup of kale incorporates more than 654 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K.

6. Dark Chocolate

It’s worth noting that it is dark chocolate that is good for you, not the flavored kind, which is loaded with sugar. What distinguishes dark chocolate is actually the cocoa powder, which overflows with brain-boosting elements – including antioxidants, flavonoids and caffeine. Of course, at the same time, chocolate also contributes to boosting our mood – which is another highlight.

However, it is actually the flavonoids that safeguard the brain, promoting its correct functioning and health.

7. Nuts

It’s no secret that nuts are extremely beneficial for supporting the health of the brain. A particular study proved that nuts can actually contribute to enhancing cognition, whilst preventing neurodegenerative diseases. This is primarily thanks to the fact that nuts embody powerful antioxidants, healthy fats and vitamin E – all these components playing a crucial role.

8. Eggs

The reason why eggs are oh-so-beneficial for your brain health is because they contain vitamin B6, vitamin B12, choline and folate. There are several studies supporting that a higher intake of choline could improve one’s memory, whilst regulating the mood. And egg yolks present a high concentration of choline.

Concurrently, B vitamins also play a fundamental role in brain health, slowing down the progression of mental illnesses in elderly people.

9. Oranges

By eating a medium-sized orange a day, you would get the required intake of vitamin C. However, what is it that makes our intake of vitamin C so important? Expressly, vitamin C aims at deterring mental decline, according to research.

More specifically, age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease might be prevented by maximizing your daily intake of vitamin C, as noted in this study. That’s specifically because vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants, contributing to fighting the harmful effects of free radicals.

10.Olive Oil

And lastly, olive oil is another brain ingredient. You can add it to your salads, meals and enjoy the many benefits it offers. Once again, it incorporates potent antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which enhance the functions of the memory, as well as your learning capabilities. Nevertheless, note that, in order to fully enjoy the benefits olive oil offers, it’s best to consume it raw, as opposed to cooked at high temperatures.

These are some of the main brain foods and ingredients you should strive to incorporate in you daily meals. Remember, even if you might not be used to eating this healthy, you can attempt to change your eating habits in time, granted that you remain consistent. That’s because what you eat is crucial for your health. This is something we should all acknowledge.