10 Common Problems That Hotel Managers Have to Face

Being a hotel manager has its ups and downs. There is undoubtedly a mountain of responsibilities we each have to conquer every day. We’re expected to be friendly and amiable; being masterful with time management and organizational skills. Here are 10 common problems a lot of hotel managers face.

1. Unappreciative

In the “old days” of hotel management, guests usually received a hand-written letter. This letter thanked them for staying at the hotel. How often do you thank your guests? Social media makes it easier, but nothing beats the personality of a handwritten mailed letter.

2. Operations

Are all the floors’ housekeeping routines up to date? Are room occupancy details recent? Is bookkeeping constantly updated? Are all staff and members trained to handle unexpected behaviors of irresponsible clients and guests? These are a few of the numerous challenges when it comes to handling the operations of hotels.

3. Managing Energy

Profit margins can be improved by investing in renewable sources of energy. Being environmentally friendly is all the rage these days. As electricity prices and bills raise, it pays to be more energy efficient in terms of voltage optimization and reducing energy consumption.

4. Working Hours

Working non-stop hours is sadly part of the territory in this business. With a list of demands that never finishes, sometimes it seems like there’s barely any time for a needed night’s sleep. Not to mention the irregularity of working these hours, which may cause burnout.

5. Technical Obstacles

Preventing overbooking, creating occupancy reports and forecasts are just a few of the technical detail’s hotel managers are responsible for. This doesn’t include fixing the prices for the various rooms at the establishment. This can be overwhelming, which is why hotel property management system is such a godsend.

6. Technology

The tech world is a tremendous advantage for us. From Fibre internet, flat-screen TVs and Bluetooth, hotel managers are expected to keep their hotels “technologically fashionable” to be future-proof.

7. Marketing

Whether those practices involve driving through town with the logo on the vehicle, and following “SMART” action plans (Smart, Measurable, Action, Results and Time-bound). Use new ones, like being proactive in cutting costs, and who you want to visit your hotel. Are you “hunting” for value seekers or for luxury travelers? Digital marketing has cemented its place in many corporations’ “arsenal.” Use it.

8. Security

Being a successful manager means maintaining hotel security procedures. This means installing up-to-date surveillance systems (which will also cut down on the number of lawsuits from accidents). Automatic door-locking systems in rooms. Being aware of hotel security practices in 2019 is key here – and staying on top of it.

9. Relevant Property

Refurbishing the hotel will help prevent it from being forgotten by tourists and clients. Typically, guest rooms see the highest wear in a few years. After those rooms have been addressed, Nathan suggests moving on next to public areas, then the “back of house spaces.”

10. Competition

Almost every business, no matter the industry, has competition. It’s a part of business. One way of dealing with them is to offer peculiar services or amenities that they haven’t thought of. Reduce rates. Offer supreme discounts. Above all: be sure to evaluate the companies you’re going up against.


These common problems are just the tip of the ice berg, as you will undoubtedly uncover some of your own as your years as manager continue. With these solutions, there’s nothing you won’t be able to overcome. Just remember to remain as realistic as possible to what you’re facing.