Victoria’s Biggest Secret: Ultimate Workout Routine      

Watching Alessandra Ambrosio walking down the hottest runway, one might wonder what might Victoria’s secret be, when there really doesn’t seem to be much left for imagination.

No, my dear angels, it is not about the clothes you are wearing, nor is it about your hair and makeup – it is your show-stopping body. We get jealous and full of envy, but what we somehow forget while we lay on our couch eating chips and watching this year’s show is just how much sweat is involved in the entire process.

Do you want to get that perfect figure? Then get up this instant, since you won’t get that sexy butt by sitting on it all day!

Step 1: Forget about the scale

One of the greatest misconceptions out there is that the less you weigh, the skinnier you are. Namely, many are unaware of the fact that muscle is heavier than fat, so as you start exercising, at one point you might actually notice a slight weight gain. This will not necessarily mean your body will get bigger – on the contrary, it will be better sculpted.

And it’s not just about that; getting on the scale once (or more times) a day will turn into a big mind game. Depending on what you ate for lunch or the night before, the time of the day you weigh and the scale you use – it will all affect the numbers you see in front of you. Simply stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself: do I like what I see?

Step 2: Start with spot training

Victoria’s angels claim they focus on weight training and prefer spending their time at the gym doing legs and butts, but it is just one out of three obligatory trainings they do on a weekly basis. Other two times they exercise their core and upper body, but simultaneously work on their strength and overall endurance.

Step 3: Bulk up

Many girls out there are afraid of hitting weights since they fear that as a result, they will look too masculine. But it is much harder to add muscles then you might think – Dwayne Johnson did not become The Rock overnight, and you won’t either. So start by adding ankle weights to your leg training and grab a par of lighter dumbbells for your arms. Just note that you’ll need adequate gym wear and quality accessories to conduct every exercise properly and prevent possible injuries.

Step 4: Find your balance

According to Kirk Myers, New York City’s most reputable personal trainer, sumo squats and dead lifts on a Bosu ball are a must. What makes this exercise so effective is the fact that it activates every single muscle in your body, especially your core. So if you’ve always struggled with a bit of belly fat, this is the way to get rid of it.

Step 5: No pain no gain

Although a cliché, it is the only truth out there – as already mentioned, weight training is the key, but don’t jump after the heaviest ones in the entire gym. Even Victoria’s angels are eased into the more difficult program. They start with only one supervised training session a week, while doing spring intervals on their own for about 20 minutes every day. On top of that, they take Pilates and boxing classes so that after one month they have enough strength and energy to exercise from 4 to 6 times a week.

In the end…

After all, everybody deserves a break. All models are encouraged to get sports massage on a regular basis to get rid of sore muscles and sooth their aching limbs.

Once you graduate the Angle Fitness Academy, you will not only look better, but feel more confident as well. So what do you say – ready to make some sacrifices and get some amazing results?