Is Hair Transplant an Art or a Science?

There are many people who experience hair loss for a variety of different reasons. This could be an illness or treatment for illness, through genetics, as a result of stress related issues, and more. Depending on the cause and severity of the hair loss, there are various options available such as hair re-growth products and supplements.

Another option that is available for some people experiencing hair loss is a hair transplant. This is a process whereby a trained medical professional. The surgeon’s aim will be to transplant hair to your scalp so that the end result is a head of beautiful, natural looking hair. While the procedure can be costly it is something that many people prefer over continually using products that may or may not work and that could even have side effects.

A scientific procedure with artistic flair

Many people wonder whether hair transplantation is an art or a science. Well, in a nutshell it is a combination of the two, which is why you should use experienced surgeons such as those at DK Hair Klinik. The person that performs the hair transplant should be someone who has the right artistic flair but also the right scientific experience and qualifications because this type of procedure is a mix between both art and science.

Of course, the scientific part refers to the actual procedure itself and the whole medical side of the process. However, the aim is to provide you with results that look good and look natural. This is where the artistic part comes in. The skill of the surgeon is vital for the scientific side of things but the artistic eye is important to ensure natural, great results.

Finding someone with experience

As a result of these two qualities being so important in the surgeon that carries out the process, it is important to ensure you find someone with the relevant skills, expertise, experience, and artistic flair when it comes to looking for a suitable surgeon. Having a hair transplant is not just about having hair transplanted onto your scalp – it is also about making the transplanted hair look great, look and feel natural, and make a huge positive impact on your life.

In a way, you can compare it to requiring the skills of a writer. Most writers are adept at typing because it is part and parcel of their job. However, in order to create content they also need to have creativity and flair. You wouldn’t go to someone that was a professional typist but not a writer in order to have a book ghost-written because that person would have the practical skills but not the creative ones. In the same way, you wouldn’t go to a surgeon who has plenty of medical experience but no artistic flair because they can only do part of the job.

Once you do find the right surgeon, you can start looking forward to having a full head of hair that not only feels good but also looks great.