7 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oily Skin

Each of us have sebaceous glands in our skin. When these glands produce too much sebum, oily skin occurs. Sebum is the waxy oily substance that keeps our skins hydrated and moisturized. Too much sebum has the opposite effect, making our faces look shiny, greasy and enlarge our pores – causing blackheads, irritating pimples, etc.

Here are several remedies for taking care of this embarrassing trouble – all from the comfort of your home, using ingredients you may already have.

1. Consistent Washing

Do you have a gentle soap and warm water? Then you can take care of the amount of oil on your skin in a breeze. Do well to avoid fragrant-heavy soap, additional moisturizers or soaps with harsh chemicals; anything that dries out your skin helps produce more sebum.

2. Blotting Papers

If you’ve never used blotting papers, you’re in for a real treat – as it is an absolute necessity for eradicating oily skin. This paper blots out excess oil from faces. (Which is why it helps makeup remain on your face for longer periods of time.)

3. Toner

Astringent toners—which may contain alcohol—are amazing at drying out skin, which results in oiliness. Natural astringents (like witch hazel) end up soothing the skin, due to its high tannin content an anti-inflammatory properties. Toners may not work for everyone who uses them – as they may cause itchiness or irritation.

4. Vitamin C Serum

A lot of healthcare professionals swear by using vitamin C serum to get rid of oily skin. This serum balances sebum production and removes pores. Depending on the manufacturer, this serum can be combined with vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin B3, or hyaluronic acid – all of which are phenomenal for making your skin look hydrated and healthy.

5. Fruits

Fruits such as tomatoes, lemon juice, apples, mango pulp, and orange peels (when the peels are combined with milk) are all fantastic for getting rid of oily skin. In most cases, simply take the skins of these fruits and rub them in your face in a circular motion. If you decide to use a tomato or an apple, cut them in half and apply the same rubbing motion. Always be sure to let the residues from these fruits absorb into your skin – which typically takes a good 10-15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

6. Honey

If you have raw honey, a clean face is in store for you. When applied once a day, this natural emollient hydrate your skin. The more your skin is hydrated, the less oils are secreted. Raw honey is also antimicrobial, meaning it prevents severe breakouts of acne. Massage a few teaspoons directly onto your face and leave it for half an hour. Rinse off.

7. Eggs

Whether you eat eggs or not, they are a godsend for treating oily skin. All you need is one white egg. Your skin will become firmer and it shrinks your pores.

Separate the egg white from the yolk, whisk the egg white and use a cotton ball to apply it to your face. Leave on for half an hour and rinse off.


Oily skin sufferers tend to stay away from moisturizers; wrong moisturizers make faces greasier. Therefore, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to purchase oil-free moisturizers to keep your skin protected. Always be sure to contact a dermatologist for support.