8 Skin Care Hacks for Modern Muses

Are you a busy career woman or a party animal, or a little of both? Perhaps the more appropriate label is the modern muse. You cannot just say no to the opportunities that come with the job and the circles you move in, can you?

But your skin may be suffering from the overtime work and night outs. Still, you’re here because you want to make amends with yourself (good for you!). Read on to learn about hacks that do not require too much headspace. They can be as simple or challenging as manipulating Excel sheets and remembering names at a party.

Start with a solid at-home regimen

For starters, determine your skin type and conditions. Acne, eczema, and psoriasis are common among adults. Then factor in your age group, as the skin requires different treatments in your teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, and so on. You may self-diagnose using a reliable online tool or consult with your dermatologist.

Knowing that you have a combination oily skin, for instance, will help you decide which products to include in your daily care cocktail. But before you get confused with the labels, remember your basics: wash, tone, moisturize. Often, brands or specific lines offer a variety of products that perform these three at their core. Ask the salesperson or read online reviews to arrive at the right match.

Allow your skin to breathe

Did you know that dull skin might be the result of lack of oxygen? This news is bad for career women who stay in air-conditioned offices for hours on end. But a little adjustment of priorities can go a long way. If you cannot go on a trip to the mountain to allow your skin (and lungs) to breathe, why not spend on an oxygen serum to make up for it?

Adopt an expanded routine

The 10-step Korean beauty routine is all the rage right now. Just walk around Myeongdong and observe the skin of Korean women who pass you by (without appearing overly jealous or downright creepy). You may notice that their homegrown formula of fusing innovative technologies with ancient traditions is working. Still, it’s extensive and quite intimidating.

To make it easier to digest and follow, someone from Silicon Valley simplified it for you. It turns out you just have to commit to a holistic approach. In essence, the secrets lie in hydrating and exfoliating, and never ditching your suncare.

Move, move, move

Let’s skip the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Instead, we’ll reiterate here the importance of staying active throughout adulthood. While yoga benefits the mind and kickboxing tones the muscles while burning fat, these exercises also assist in the body’s detoxification process. Add healthy eating habits to working out, and your older self will thank you later. Plus, achieving clear skin this way means you won’t have to hide beneath layers and layers of cosmetics.

Ditch the DIY stuff

Buying raw ingredients and concocting your own cleansers and moisturizers can bring down the cost of skin care. But let’s admit it, not everyone has the time to DIY stuff. If it becomes too high maintenance, it is better to talk to a derm or a store consultant and ask for recommendations. Do your homework, too. Compare brands and products. Then base your choices on the most important metrics, quality and price. In the end, you also skip the trial-and-error process that comes with trying out home remedies.

Build on small hacks

Just because you cannot DIY skin care doesn’t mean you can’t develop habits that cost nothing. Introduce the little things into your daily routine. For example, you can massage under-eye areas to minimize fine lines and reduce inflammation. Just press your ring finger on the orbital bones, moving from the inner to the outer corner. Do it two to three times. You can also sleep on your back, not on one cheek, to prevent the development of wrinkles.

Pay attention to your scalp and nails

If you are suffering from a chronic skin condition like psoriasis, your skin tends to be very sensitive. Cold weather can aggravate the discomfort you feel from head to toe. However, your focus when finding solutions must have been limited to face and body care. It is time to pay closer attention to the needs of your skin’s extensions. Use gentle hair products. Apply clear polish to protect your fingernails and toenails. Keep these areas moisturized as well. You’ll feel better overall in the long run.

Get a serious fix

Consider going through noninvasive procedures when you’re dealing with, say, serious acne problems. Enzyme facials are great at minimizing pores. You can also go for a more drastic solution such as a laser treatment that literally vacuums out pores and kills bacteria.

Noninvasive options involve no downtime and may not be as expensive or risky as invasive options. Still they help get rid of the problem once and for all.

Start, and continue, with the right perspective

Forming a habit can feel like a chore. You need to persevere in order to see results. Find an accountability partner. When you’re stuck, think about the feel-good outcome you’re striving to achieve. At the end of the day, you just don’t want good skin so you can dazzle other people. You need good skin to function as a beautiful and confident modern woman.