5 Healthy Ways To Cook Food

Innovation has changed the way we cook our food and this has made us expand our culinary options. Our busy lifestyle too has had an impact on how we eat and cook our food. On many occasions, due to the shortage of time, we end up having ready to go meals like chips, burgers etc. These meals are unhealthy and affect our health in a negative way. When you can’t improvise your schedule to cook healthy meals, something has to change. You obviously can’t change the way you function daily but you can change the way you cook. To help you prepare some quick healthy dishes, we bring you some solutions to change the way you cook food.

1. Cooking With Steam

To put it in simpler terms, steam cooking is a healthy way to cook vegetables. We all need veggies to keep our gut clean and make our skin glow; if you have a good quality oven, you can steam vegetables quickly and make them a part of your daily diet. When done right, steaming can give you that rich taste by locking all the flavors inside. You will get an authentic taste because adding any kind of oils or even fats are not necessary while steam cooking.

2. Baking

Desserts are not the only thing that can be baked and therefore clear this misconception. There are many things that can be cooked through baking and some examples are: fish, vegetables, fruits (yes surprisingly!), meats to name a few. Baking can be done by blowing a hot and dry bust of air through an oven. There are no additional things like sauce or oil required for making a great dish through baking.

3. Roast It

Another popular way to cook your food in a healthy way is by roasting it. Roasting involves cooking uncovered food at high temperatures and therefore get an oven that can handle high temperatures. There are many things that you can cook easily by roasting. Try to get a brown colored crust to get that extra crunch. When done right, roasting will give you scrumptious food because much of the original flavor is retained in this method. It is also a healthy way to cook because there is zero involvement of any kind of oil or fat.

4. Stir-Fry Your Food

This Asian way of cooking is actually a healthy and fast way of cooking. It is so easy that once you will want to stir fry everything once you get used to this method. This method will take five to six minutes and will require a large pan or wok. Only a small quantity of oil is required and therefore this too is a healthy way to cook. Vegetables are generally stir fried before going into the main dish but you can stir fry other food items too.

5. Slow Vacuum Cooking

This new method is increasingly becoming a popular way of cooking and is quite easy too! You need to keep your food in a bag that is then sealed and vacuum cooked in a vacuum chamber or drawer present in the oven. The nutrients, flavors and the liquids are all trapped in; this will give you tastier meals that are also juicier than regular meals. You just need to bring an oven that has this feature installed if you want to try sous vide or slow vacuum cooking. This method will also allow you to concentrate on other things because the chances of burning your food are also low.

The above were some ways in which you can cook healthier meals easily and quickly. You just need to choose the right kind of oven and you are all set to cook and eat healthier meals.