The Ideal Tool for Effective Electronic Parts Selection

Getting the parts you want for your design is not an easy process, with so many parts churned out into the market every day, several manufactures and supplies available to you and the ever-changing electronics parts you need an effective tool to help you identify the right component for your design, while ensuring that you stay within your budget. The Ciiva electronic part selection tool has the most effective feature for the management and selection of parts, throughout the product life cycle to ensure that you are successful.

It is settling to know that you have a tool that will help you select the right parts for the product, validate the parts for you and ensure that they are genuine and compliant and manage the part throughout for you.

Here are the highlights of the Ciiva electronic parts selection tool:

  • Assist you in making optimal parts selection from the start of your design.
  • Enable you to continuously refine your selection as you design.
  • Automatically manage libraries for the team and sync design information and updates centrally for all to access.

Get a comprehensive analysis from the search analysis management feature to enable you to get the right components, from the right people and at the right price. It protects from the obsolete and near end of life components for an accurate BOM. The auto -complete capability of the search manager helps you find what you want quickly and allows you to refine your searches; get real-time prices of the parts in your BOM as well as information on availability.

Design is fluid and changes are inevitable, you can continuously refine your selections while designing in case you have changes to make. Keep analyzing the parts in your design to ensure to get real-time lifecycle analysis to guarantee that the parts in your design will be available throughout the life of the product; at production and for repairs etc. Reap the benefits of volume pricing leveraged by the tool; make comparisons to get the best value for your money.

How about getting a verified alternative in case you cannot get the part you want either because it is out of date or nearing its life. Manage parts libraries automatically to keep your parts libraries complete and organized without being distracted from the design process; using the autocomplete parametric data feature and cloud technology, every part of your library is recorded. Visual confidence rating ensures that you work with complete parts and review the design to correct the parts with insufficient details with a visual confidence rating.

Other capabilities for effective parts selection are:

  • Quick review and changes tracker on BOM to stay in control by seeing who made changes and when they are made and to be up to date on how parts are used. It also allows for quick comparisons of two BOMs to spot differences at a glance.
  • Track and source components for your designs with ease; change outdated components with verified alternates by the click of a button.
  • Get real-time prices of parts and information of availability to meet your budget and ensure you get them.
  • Get centralized and shared BOM data for everyone on the project so that the team is adequately updated with BOM data.
  • Controlled data access secures shared data by providing controlled account for each user and makes use of the multi-level BOM capability to organise and share even the most complex.
  • Integrated BOM data ensures that you can manage your BOM more easily because all the information and activity is synced.

With all these features, here is a tool that will allow you to concentrate on design as it manages your BOM and parts selection for you.