George Lucas Wants to Flee to Outer Space

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when to take George Lucas seriously or not. There were reports he believed the Mayan apocalypse was going to happen, but then he said he was kidding. Now he feels we gotta get off this planet if there’s any hope of surviving.

The Wrap tells us that Lucas has made this proclamation in Raiders, Raptors and Rebels, a special on ILM that will air on the Science Channel on July 19. In the special, he said, “Our only chance of survival is to try to figure out how we’re going to get off this planet, because it’s going to be destroyed.”

It’s interesting that in a special about ILM this quote, and James Spader also talking about the fate of the planet, were used for the commercial. Could Lucas’s remarks be taken out of context? We also wonder if he’s planning to leave the planet some day himself to give his new family a better hope. (At 70, Lucas is a dad again.)

A big thing with sci-fi is it has created worlds we’d all love to travel to. Frankly, there’s many days I wish I could get the hell off this planet and wish I had Lucas’s resources to do so, not because we’re doomed, but because it’s often incredibly hard to deal with the insufferable stupidity of the human race.