Video Marketing and what Style to Use

For years, sketches, illustrations, and drawings were used to sell a pitch. In the age of social media, and very short attention spans, not much has changed and it has become ever more important to effectively attract a prospect’s attention.

Experts agree that visuals are a strong marketing tool. Explainer videos are often the first video content marketing choice for improving exposure and increasing conversions, for a number of reasons.

Viewers get engaged:

A visually appealing animated video provides information effectively as it simulates both visual and auditory senses, having an impregnable effect on the human brain and keeping customers engaged.

Conveys more information in less time:

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

How many words is a video worth?

Sharing on social media platforms is easy:

It is no secret that video clips are a big hit on social media platforms. Sharing your product’s explainer video on popular platforms will generate a wider viewership and reach a larger potential customer base.

The concept of explainer videos is simple yet engaging, the aim is to capture a viewer’s attention and convey your message in the most informative and entertaining manner. Therefore it is important to know who your audience is and how to best address them.

When looking for investors or business partners, you will want to stick to a more sober, informative video style, a live video or whiteboard presentation would be a good choice. But if your target audience is youngsters between 11-15, then a 3D animation would be a better choice.

Which style suits your message

To help you address your potential prospects, here is a list of the most common video styles. This should help you choose what direction to take and how to best approach your customers.


This is most probably the simplest and least expensive video style. It is practically narrating a recording of your screen or a slideshow of screenshots. Although it might seem very impressive, it could be the best choice for presenting software or how-to video.

Whiteboard Animation

For every presentation, the main essence is to grab the attention of the viewers and highlight your ideas. This is where a whiteboard animation proves to be a powerful tool, as it provides an engaging combination of graphics, textual narration and compelling animation.

There is hardly a situation where you can not use a whiteboard animation, a true allrounder. Also the price makes it an attractive choice for a lot of businesses.


Animated videos are definitely among the more successful video styles, you can pack a lot of information, or explain complex processes, in a short video clip.

Animation videos can be broken down into three main categories.

  1. 2D: This style is ideal for B2B or B2C messages. You can use character animation to showcase problematic situations and the solution you can offer, making it easier for the customer to relate to the situation and the offered solution. Motion graphics animation, on the other hand, is a better choice for explaining more complex products or solutions.
  2. 3D: One of the most expensive styles, 3D animations have the advantage of being highly versatile and extremely popular. This style is mostly used for advertising and not the best choice for companies on a tight budget. A poorly made 3D animation can potentially harm your brand’s image, especially if you are trying to target younger clients.
  3. 2.5D: This is a hybrid style that moves 2D images in a 3D space, emulating a 3D animation. The main advantage of 2.5D animations is that you get an impressive 3D like animation for a much lower cost. This style is good to showcase products and their specs, especially electronic devices.
  4. Stop Motion: A method known from old King Kong movies, stop motion is practically taking still images and putting them together to give the illusion of motion. You can achieve very interesting and entertaining effects, but production costs are high

Live Action

Live action is the mother of video clips, it is just recording a video. This type of video can be used to introduce your company, product and employees with a more personal touch. It is also very effective for testimonials. A big advantage is the cost, you can do it yourself or opt for a Hollywood like production. The main problem is its limitations when it comes to sharing information. But thanks to modern digital effects you can combine graphics and 3D elements to pep up your presentation.


If you can convey your message in a few catchy sentences, then this type of video message would be a good choice. You can dramatize phrases with motion or music, emphasize words or stylize the message with appropriate fonts. This a cheap and effective method to get a message through, also very effective when teasing an upcoming product or event.


Having a clear message is an important part of every marketing campaign, but how you present that message is as equally important. Know who your target audience is and find out what kind of information is important to them before you decide on how to present it.