Helpful Tips to Hire a Good Blockchain Developer

Blockchain development and the role of blockchain developers isn’t just a passion project anymore. In fact, today, it’s a well-paid and viable career option. Thanks to big business catching on to the wide array of applications and usefulness offered by blockchain, those few highly skilled blockchain developers are in high demand.

As of the mid-portion of 2016, there were just 5,000 developers dedicated to creating software for blockchain, with another 20,000 or so who had dabbled with the technology or written front end applications to connect with blockchain. All of these numbers pale in comparison with the over nine million Java developers around the world, and over 18.5 million software developers.

Blockchain’s Rapid Rise

The rapid pace that blockchain has grown has resulted in a skills shortage, as the demand for these services, such as an ICO website developer, outstrips the total number of experienced individuals who can handle these tasks.

Due to this, it’s extremely challenging for businesses to find quality blockchain developers for their needs. However, this is a great time for skilled developers, as they can command a high fee after years of developing their skills on something that was once just a passion.

The process or recruiting these individuals is extremely challenging for both established corporations and startups. As a result, knowing what to look for and how to find quality blockchain developers is a must.

Hiring a Quality Blockchain Developer: Know What You’re Looking For

One of the first things you should do is to consider all the different aspects of your company, in addition to the kind of blockchain project you are taking on. For example:

  • Do you have a big corporation or a startup company?
  • What is the culture of your company like?
  • Would one of the elite blockchain developers be excited about becoming a part of your project?

There are several factors that are going to affect the type of developer you ultimately hire, such as the type of project you are taking on, the length of the project, the total number of people you need, and if you need experts in this field or just enthusiastic people whose skills you can build and develop.

In some cases, it may be best to outsource the project to a specialist firm. When you outsource, you can avoid the hiring pressure and allow your company to focus on the core services it offers more.

The individual characteristics are going to serve as a filter for those who want to be part of your project. It’s also going to influence what you can offer them to get them onboard. If you have a project the appeals to the mindset of the blockchain developer, then you will find it easier to find and hire the right staff.

Understanding Today’s Blockchain Developers

It’s important to understand that great blockchain developers are often very different from the remainder of the workforce – even other people in the IT sector. As a result, you have two basic types of developers:

  • Those who are passionate about the technology
  • Those who are in it for the high earning potential

Both individuals can be a valuable asset to your team, but those who are in it for the money, may be more expensive to hire.

Search for Candidates in the Right Places

How does your company usually search for job candidates? Do you use job ads or LinkedIn?

To find blockchain developers, you are going to have to abandon these traditional methods because they won’t be very effective when it comes to finding the best developer. Most of these individuals aren’t going to be looking at traditional job boards to find opportunities.

If you want to find a quality blockchain developer, you should look for them where they are. There are communities and job boards specifically designed for these professionals. Look there to find the people who will be an asset to your team and your company, while helping you achieve your goals.