Best Tips on How to Take Kratom


Kratom is drug that is actually relatively new to the United States and Europe. For many years, it was used in Southeast Asia as a medicine to treat diarrhea, a painkiller, and a general recreational drug. The name “kratom” refers to a certain tree and the powdered substance that comes from its leaves.

Although it is common for the drug to be bought in the form of leaves, it is more likely that when you buy kratom, you’ll be given a capsule that is filled with the powdered leaf material. You can also get a chopped form of the leaf. This form can be used to make tea or you can just smoke it instead.

The effects of kratom actually begin to kick in rather quickly and they have the ability to last for between five and seven hours, although the longevity of the effects depends on the dosage taken.

That being said, if you have kratom and you’ll like to ingest it, whether for medicinal or recreational reasons, here are a few ways by which you can do that:

Blending Kratom with Alcohol

The alkaloids that are constituent in kratom leaf are easily soluble in alcohol. Due to this, kratom has other impacts after being immersed in vodka, rum, or whiskey. Occasionally, you can also decide to sizzle or simmer it after that and put it in some ice to cool it down before you gobble it up. A mixture of kratom and alcohol is easier to preserve and can last much longer. Also, if you’re looking to get quick effects, warming it might be the best way to go.

Nibbling on Dried Kratom Leaves

There are certain tribes located in Southern Thailand that have been familiarized with the act of drying their kratom leaves in order to preserve them and make them last longer. It is possible for you to nibble dried kratom leaves. However, doing so is a little bit tough and if you gulp, you could get a little sick. From this, you should know that well dried Kratom leaves have an extremely bitter taste and you will have to chew quite a lot of dried out leaves before you can get any of the desired effects. This is mainly because the stems and core vein of the leaves are usually shifted.

Toss and Wash

This approach is by a long mile the most straightforward. All you have to do is to simply toss the kratom powder into your mouth and have it accompanied on its way down with something potable and fluid (you know, like water). It is most probably one of the most frequent ways that people make use of, especially due to the fact that it helps in saving time and it produces a lot of lovely effects. For learners, the most frequent way is to use something like 5 grams of Kratom powder while senior dosages usually build up based on personal experiences.

Kratom and Juices

Adding kratom to fruit juices that have a high acidic content, such as lemon or grapefruit sap, is capable of getting some pretty strong and early aftereffects. These effects are most probably due to the alkaloids of the kratom. These alkaloids become quite soluble in certain acids and are able to produce the effects that you see. Vitamin C pills that are soluble in water are used to make comparable goals. You can also mix kratom powders with beverages and take them after some minutes. To get the desired effects, you can take 5 to 10 grams of kratom powder.

Brewing Kratom Tea

Dried kratom foliage can be boiled in some water for a period of about 10 to 20 minutes. The water is then boiled down and with some leaves, a new boil is produced. Basically, you just continue to replicate this step for a couple of times. A few users have reported that mixing a lemon or a lime with water can be done beforehand. This will help to extract the alkaloids while boiling. The kratom alkaloids can also be extracted by frosting the leaves.

Outside Use

In some parts of the world, kratom is used conventionally as a means of treating various wounds. However, a lot of people still don’t know its medicinal effects for outward use. The fact that every now and then, kratom is sold for aromatherapy purposes or as an addition to herbal baths is most likely due to the fact that the FDA and other regulations prohibit its marketing for oral consumption.