Four Creative Ideas To Make Your Blog Look Attractive

Sometimes small things make big differences. Similar is the case with blogging. Making those small changes can bring noticeable changes. Along with the right blogging tools, you can make your digital marketing strategy a success.

Blogging has become a trend now. Over 12 million people write blogs on social networks. In fact businesses have received multiple benefits out of it. 92% of companies’ blogging multiple times per day have obtained a customer out of it. Over 80% companies consider this strategy as ‘critically ’important.

But establishing a blog is not enough. Every blog has its own personality in form of content, design and the elements it comprises. Here are some ways in which you can make your blog look more attractive.

The design matters

Blogging design matters a lot. In fact it is the determining factor. You can use free BuddyPress themes to enhance the overall design of your blog in order to enhance its visual appeal. You can even hire a professional to design your blog. Buying a theme is also a possibility with so much availability. Make sure you take care of aspects like SEO, support and future updates.

Speed matters a lot. Make your blog loading time quicker. Do not use tiny fonts which are difficult to read. Make your social media channels available on it.


Having content is not enough. It must be readable. 79% of BRB content marketers consider article posting as the most effective tactic. This is why it is important for you to have content that connects with the people. Make sure you blog looks more attractive and addictive.

Do not simply download images from the Google and use them for blog posts. You can either capture by yourself or use other services. Since articles with images get 94% more views, consider incorporating visuals in your blogs as a means of content.

Make it a learning spot

Even though design counts a lot, but content will always remain superior. You need to come up with interesting topics to post. Interaction with your readers is also important. In order to be a better blogger, respond to the comments. Respond at least to those who really help. You can provide them with helpful tips to solve problems. Convert your blog into a learning spot.

Don’t overdo with Ads

Many blogs have a lot of ads. There is no use of putting them without having enough traffic. It will slow down blog’s loading time.

You need to focus on driving targeted readers to your blog and increase their loyalty level. Sooner or later they will prefer your services then. You are not running a blog agency and it is not your job to post too many ads. It will diminish your blog’s credibility. Especially avoid putting them in between of the article or pop-up ads.

Promote the right stuff that suits your objectives. Make proper analysis and pursue methods that makes your blog look more attractive.