Should robots have human rights?

The European Commission has been deliberating over a controversial move to give artificial intelligence and robots their own ‘human rights.’ This debate comes after the Commission has called for a 20-billion-euro investment into artificial intelligence.

5 Steps To Publishing Your Own Book

Do you have a story to tell? If so, you probably want to tell it in a book. While you may find it easy to put your story into writing, you may struggle to have your book published.

Why You Should Say No to Smoking

Cigarettes are addictive, often because of the alleged sensational experience that they can give when smoking. Once addicted it is difficult to wean away from the problem as it induces you into enjoying more of it.

How to increase conversion rates in online finance

There are several digital and marketing techniques to get the most out of the user visits on your website and maximise the number of application and form completions possible. We talk you through some of these techniques below.

CFD Trading for Beginners

CFD trading is an agreement between a trader and a broker that involves the change of an asset’s value across time – hence Contract for Difference.