Aggression in cats and how to deal with it

When a cat feels threatened, they will often display aggressive behavior, just like humans do. These types of aggressive outbursts can lead to a rocky relationship if you are overlooking the behavioral issue and not doing anything to reduce it.

It’s important to recognize the difference between play and aggression in your cat, especially if they’re a kitten. Many behaviors that could be deemed as confrontational are actually signs of your cat preparing for their adult life and although their excitement may need to be directed into a less harmful way, it’s unlikely to cause issues as they grow up.

In this article, we’ve shared the three main types of feline aggression and the ways that you can reduce the amount of argumentative behavior that your pet expresses:

1. Territorial aggression

One of the most common types of aggression with outdoor cats is induced over their territory. Being one of the most territorial animal breeds in the world, you probably won’t be surprised that your feline will act-out when their area is under threat.

This type of aggression can happen in a variety of different circumstances and aimed towards a combination of things. Most commonly, territorial aggression is displayed to other cats, which can prove to be problematic when trying to introduce a new pet to your home.

Territorial aggression can be reduced in this situation by keeping your older cat out of certain areas of your home for a prolonged period. Then, when your new pet is introduced, they can adopt this unused space as their own area and neither cat will feel a threat to their personal territory.

2. Petting aggression

As a pet owner, there may be nothing you love more than interacting with your cat. However, your feline may make this difficult if they’re showing signs of petting aggression.

This can occur for a variety of reasons, with the most common being that your cat has a low tolerance to being touched. It may also occur because your cat has a sensitive area of their body and may feel unpleasant when petted.

Petting aggression can be avoided by learning to understand your cat’s behavior better. If you notice that they’re getting agitated, immediately stop touching them and allow them to move if they wish to.

3. Maternal aggression

If your cat is pregnant with kittens, they’re likely to display more signs of aggression. This is because they will become more protective over their young and so they may be aggressive towards yourself, other felines or animals.

To prevent your pregnant cat from acting-out and reduce the risk of harm being caused to both your pet and their offspring, make sure that your cat has a safe place where they can be undisturbed. This will help your cat feel comfortable and reduce the need for aggressive behavior.

As you can see, there are several ways in which your cat could display signs of aggression. Learning to monitor your feline’s behavioral patterns is key to reducing the risk of harm to your pet, and getting cat insurance is essential to protect you if the worst should happen.