How to Get More Social Shares On Your Blog Content

Our blogs are precious to us. They’re where we transcribe our insights, look at our industries, offer insights on breaking news, and provide fun, entertaining updates. Although blogs can feel highly personal,In yet, it can sting when they fail to elicit public responses.

Even with how vast the internet is, we still employ the slight belief that someone (even, anyone) is willing to read and share the content that we create. Which is somewhat valid considering that even with just a little bit of marketing effort, our posts can go a long way. However, a big part of blogging is taking care of the pieces that aren’t exactly writing. And while it’s going to take some getting used to, here are a few simple tips you can use to get your blog shared a little bit more too.

Sharing is Caring

One of the first things you should look at in expanding shares on your blog content is looking at the social channels you’re already distributing to and asking what the response has been. Your success rate is largely going to be determined by the type of content you’re producing, as well as the audience.

For example, if your blog is heavily based on fashion or lifestyle, then channels like Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter might bode well. However, if you are writing about banking regulations or Artificial Intelligence, LinkedIn might be your best bet. Additionally, it’s important to keep your social channels up to date, and consistent with the brand voice/aesthetic you’ve already established. Even if it’s just your personal LinkedIn page you’re reposting articles from, it is imperative that your page is cleaned up and representative n of the rest of your brand.

Finally, don’t be afraid to vary the types of posts you’re publishing. Try out certain popular tactics you enjoy reading in others’ blogs, such as guest interviews/posts or even listicles. Believe it or not, these practices will help not only expand your audience to those you’re writing about but can additionally lead to valuable partnerships in the future.

What’s Trending

Another factor in securing more hits to your blog is by staying up on the latest and greatest in terms of marketing trends. Start researching some sites that you feel give the best advice on practices such as SEO, Keyword Searches, or even Content Strategy. While a lot of folks tend to outsource their blogging to someone with a better understanding, there’s numerous resources from experts right at your fingertips on what works and what doesn’t.

When it comes to bringing in the counsel of others, try to find bloggers that are in a similar field to yours. See what strategies they’re using, as well as the types of content they produce. For example, someone who does sponsored posts on recipes might suggest that your recipe videos should be cut down so they can be shared better on Facebook or Twitter. The biggest takeaway here is to dig into your pipeline and process and establish a system behind the scenes that can be replicated.

A Simple Set of Tools

Part of building out your foundation for in attracting more social shares comes with keeping track of the social activity on your page. While you might already be taking part in a lot of these practices, here’s a few basic things you can include to gauge your success.

First, you have to establish a sharing link (bitly is a popular choice) that is trackable. Services like Sharedcount can be an easy first step to take but depending on how much you grow might determine if you need to step things up to having a full-on social media tracking platform. Additionally, where/when you time your posts is vital as well, which tools like Buffer can help tremendously with.

When it comes to getting more shares on your blog’s content, consistency is key, and a lot of the tools mentioned above will help keep you on track with that. No one likes visiting a page that has one great post on it from two years ago but hasn’t been updated since. After all, the goal here isn’t just to have more content or shares but to be helping build and contribute to a community based on your brand. Once you’re able to master that, you’ll be turning followers into evangelist in no time.