Dealing With Hypertension Without Medication

If you’ve been diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure, you aren’t alone. But just because hypertension is common in the U.S., doesn’t mean it’s healthy. It’s important that you deal with this issue as soon as possible – and preferably without medication.

5 Natural Ways to Deal With Hypertension

According to those in the medical profession, normal blood pressure levels are generally considered to be anything below 120/80 mmHg. Anything between 120/80 mmHg and 139/89 mmHg is labeled prehypertension, while anything above that threshold is classified as full-on high blood pressure.

If you’re in prehypertension or have high blood pressure, then you need to take some proactive steps and deal with the underlying causes. Here are some natural and healthy ways to do so.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

There’s usually a direct correlation between increased blood pressure and weight gain. The more pounds you put on, the higher your blood pressure tends to rise. The reverse also seems to be true. As you lose weight, your blood pressure should go down.

Men are usually at risk of high blood pressure if their waist measurement is larger than 40 inches, while women should try to maintain a measurement of less than 35 inches. This is just a rule of thumb, but it’s something to think about.

Try the DASH Diet

One aspect of maintaining a healthy weight is eating right. And while you’ll see a lot of different strategies for eating healthy, one of the more effective methods is the DASH diet.

“The DASH diet is low in saturated and trans-fats and rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein, along with the antioxidant pigments such as polyphenols and carotenoids found in produce,” explains Jun Wang, MS, of InVite Health. “All of these components make this diet one of the best for cardiovascular health.”

Limit Alcohol

Like it or not, alcohol isn’t great for your heart. Even red wine, which is often touted as being heart-healthy, isn’t that great for you. If anything, it’s simply better than liquor and beer.

By limiting the amount of alcohol you consume, you can see a pretty significant decrease in blood pressure. Even practicing moderate drinking habits – which usually means nothing more than one drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men – can help.

Get More Exercise

Exercise is good for multiple reasons. First off, physical activity burns calories and helps you lose weight. But additionally, it enhances circulation and eases the flow of blood within the blood vessels. This makes you far less susceptible to high blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy.

You should try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity in per day. At the very least, you need 150 minutes per week.

Lower Stress Factors

As you know, stress also plays a role in elevating your blood pressure. If you want to keep your levels consistently low, identify major stress factors and deal with them so they don’t become bigger problems.

Typical stress factors in adults include relationships, work responsibilities, finances, or anything else that makes you feel stressed and anxious for long periods of time.

Medication Isn’t the Answer

Certain medications are highly effective at controlling blood pressure, but all they do is mask the problem. Unless you’re one of the few people who suffer from a condition that makes blood pressure impossible to regulate naturally, medication is nothing more than a bandage on a wound. You need to deal with your hypertension now before it causes long-term complications. What are you waiting for?