Alax Platform All Set To Take Mobile Gaming To The Next Level

As mobile devices have become more functional and powerful, the app marketplace for mobile devices has also evolved quite a lot. There are now millions of applications out there spanning across different categories and mobile game is a major category of all.

By 2020, the global gaming market is expected to cross $128 billion, out of which mobile games will have a major share of over $64 billion. As Smartphones are becoming more affordable in the emerging countries, the mobile gaming industry is also expected to get even more popular.

Improving the market value of the mobile gaming industry is not as easy as giving people access to Smartphones. The main revenue for mobile games come in the form of in-game purchases. Therefore, mobile gamers need to be encouraged to spend more on the games they play and at the same time, mobile game developers need to be encouraged to come up with interesting and immersive game titles.

This is no easy task. Most of the mobile games out there require a credit/international debit card to make in-game purchases. However, as per World Bank, there are 2 billion adults who don’t have a bank account. Even though you can make use of a payment intermediary to make payments easier for gamers, the lack of an alternative means that gamers have to end up paying a big amount as a transaction fee.

Even game developers have to pay a fee in order to maintain a payment intermediary, which will cut short their profits from the game purchases by a huge margin. Not just that, game developers have to wait as much as 6 months just to get the payment settled.

This is where Alax kicks in. The team behind Alax hopes to create a blockchain-backed platform where mobile game developers can easily implement in-game purchases and gamers can easily make the purchases without any worries.

How does Alax Work?

Alax is a game distribution platform for mobile devices that is designed with both mobile game developers and gamers from emerging nations in mind. Alax offers an easy payments solution for gamers with the least fee and also gives developers the option to get paid out instantly as well.

To better understand how Alax works, let’s divide the functioning of Alax into two sections:

1. Alax Tokens.
2. Alax Platform.

Alax Tokens

In order to make it easier for gamers to make payments and for developers to receive payments, Alax will be issuing two tokens: ALA and ALX.

The ALA tokens will be tallied to FIAT currency to generate market value and will directly be used in the Alax platform to buy games or in-game contents.

However, ALA tokens will not be directly available for purchase as the value of the token is directly tallied with FIAT currency.

Instead, ALX tokens will be available for purchase on public exchanges, which can then be traded for ALA tokens. The value of ALX tokens will depend on the ALA tokens.

ALA tokens will be available to gamers through resellers (either mobile operators or brick and mortar stores) or by means of exchange within Alax users.

Alax Platform

The Alax mobile application and website constitutes the Alax platform. Alax is supported by Dragonfly, which is a popular app and games distribution platform, and DECENT, which created a blockchain technology adaptation called DCore, which offers fast and efficient transactions among many other features.

Gamers will be able to buy the ALA tokens from resellers or via exchange and can use the tokens to purchase games or make in-game purchases without any hassle from within the Alax mobile app.

The ALA spent by the gamers will instantly go to the specific game developers. The developers can then choose to provide the ALA tokens as surprise presents back to gamers of the developers choice as a motivation to keep playing or the developers can also get paid in cash by transferring the ALA tokens to FIAT currency. The payout will again be determined by the value of ALA tokens with respect to the FIAT currency.

The platform will also offer game developers with Alax Android SDK using which the developers can easily add features like in-game payments or set options where gamers can play for rewards and so on.